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Access Statement : Aviary Court Hotel

Access Statement

  • Aviary Court Hotel is 1 km from the nearest bus stop
  • Mobile phone reception varies between networks
  • Tarmaced level parking available 10 metres from entrance
  • Help with luggage is available
  • Reception is reached by slightly sloping footpath. There are 2 steps and door step at entrance or alternatively beside is a steep 1 in 4 ramp and door ledge.
  • All areas are carpeted and lightly sloped in some doorways.
  • Lounge, dining room and toilets are situated on the ground floor with narrow access through toilet doorways (toilet floors tiled)
  • All bedrooms are on the 1st floor accessed by a 12 step carpeted staircase.
  • 4 bedrooms have a further step in the room or at the entrance and there is one step in the 1st floor corridor.
  • Cordless kettles, clock radios, remote control televisions, good room and bathroom lighting and bathrooms have vinyl cushion flooring.
  • The front gardens are accessed by a loose gravel path which slopes to the contours of the landscape. Some steps are located within the borders and at the end of the path. Other areas of the garden do not have paths.
  • The tennis court is accessed by a gently sloping tarmac path.
  • The gardens and tennis court are used at your own risk.
  • Special requirements should be discussed when making a reservation and all reasonable attempts will be made to meet these.
  • We are happy to discuss the nature of our building in order for you to assess if it meets your needs when making your reservation decision.


Make an enquiry

To check availability or make a booking please give us a call on 01209 842256 or complete the form below and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.
Name *
Phone number *
Email address *
Check in date *
Number of nights *
Number of rooms *
Number of persons *
Food *
We need to store your personal details so we can respond to you. For more information please read our privacy policy.
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Our wonderfully comfortable lounge chairs will take the weight off your feet.